Thursday, October 13, 2011

Something is Wrong with National Heritage Academy Charter Schools

Not all charter schools in Durham are worth pursuing.

NHA schools have a national reputation that stinks. They are money-focused, cramming 30 kids into a classroom and spending a whole quarter each year on EOGs. They typically have bullying issues and complaints to their corporate office about individual schools go unheard. Research these schools intently and the information out there will bear this out. Please do not put your children in one of these places--they have long wait lists and often do not care about individuals.

Otto and Patricia Ladensack

PS - Linda Conlisk you are a terrible "parent-liasion" unless the term is meant to denote the person who deflects parents with valid concerns; thanks for doing nothing when my child was being bullied. You should be ashamed of yourself. All you did in your role was allow sadness and abuse to be continued and from what we've heard from parents around the country this is business-as-usual for you. As a parent-liaison you are incompetent. If anyone is interested in telling Linda Conlisk why it is important to stop bullying when that's your job, she can be reached at: or through this number: 877-223-6402​.

If you don't like your public schools consider home-schooling before utilizing a National Heritage Academies' School. We had resolved to do so if needed and learned that one-on-one schooling is not terribly time consuming and does not involve trusting self-involved strangers to do the right thing.

Otto and Patricia Ladensack

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