Sunday, October 2, 2011

Letter Regarding RTCA in Durham, NC - a National Heritage Academies School

My children were a tiny minority at RTCA but they did not see ethnicity and I hoped school policy would uphold this. The staff did, outwardly, however my daughters were made to feel unwelcome over time. My youngest even heard some peers slur white children.

My oldest usually had straight A‘s from kindergarten, onward. In fourth grade a mistake gave her a B, first quarter. I brought this to their attention and was assured the mistake would be righted. The grade was never corrected, my daughter was left out of a pizza party for year-long “A” students, the grade wasn’t fixed and later we were told it was too late.

My youngest suffered worse. A boy was allowed to bully her in third grade--calling her names daily, throwing things at her, and making ugly faces. Her teacher did nothing and she was left to fend for herself! I was in the office, constantly. Finally I asked the child to leave her alone and was consequently banned from the school! His mother took to volunteering in class, scowling at my girl, regularly. When she told the staff this adult was intimidating her my child was told not to look at her! Not until the mother yelled at her did help come, gaining her a new homeroom and finally a protective environment. Unfortunately NHA does not care about children unless legal liability enters the picture. (Linda Conlisk, thanks for refusing to help our daughter when she was being bullied daily--your zero tolerance policy is a lie.)

I would’ve home-schooled but we were fortunate to get her into Central Park School this year. They are caring, nurturing, and encouraging. I wish I had the foresight to do the same sooner.

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