Monday, January 16, 2012

Letter to Dianne Feinstein

I wrote the following letter to try and gain some clarity about the final draft of the NDAA bill. I will post an answer when I receive one.

Dear Senator Feinstein,

I am writing from North Carolina because I am worried about the NDAA bill. I wrote my own Senators for clarity but didn't get any. I specifically asked if the final draft still allowed for the detainment of American citizens, without charges or representation, indefinitely. Senator Hagan alluded to your refinements and suggested that the government must still operate within normal laws. This could be interpreted a number of ways but when I asked more pointed questions I was sent the same response--I was disappointed to say the least.

Even though you do not represent my state I get the impression you have a real interest in our freedoms and welfare. I do not want to live in a police state and I do not want to worry that a mistake could one day result in the disappearance of myself or a family member.

Can you please sum up the final draft for me and specifically let me know whether we are "still" guaranteed due process? I've already been concerned to see our privacy eroding (NSA monitoring email and phone calls, tracking devices in our cars and phones, cameras everywhere, etc.) and believe our 4th Amendment "guarantees" have been mostly eliminated. I do not believe our governments increasing heavy-handedness has much to do with our welfare anymore.

Please give me a clear picture of where we stand as I am tired of dealing with vague communications from our supposedly transparent government. Thank you for your time and attention.

Have a nice day, Otto Ladensack

PLEASE CALL THE CAPITOL SWITCHBOARD AT: 1-877 851-6437. Connect with office of your senators and representatives and register your disdain regarding this bill. Regardless of the final draft which will be forthcoming they that would consider locking us up with no outside contact, indefinitely, are treasonous.

(Sources: Otto Ladensack,;

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