Monday, January 2, 2012

Despite Payment, Water Terminated, City Indifferent!


Here is an email correspondence I had with the deputy city manager today regarding the wrongful termination of our water service yesterday. He tries to downplay the city’s incompetence while side-stepping the issue of our ludicrous bills ($708+ for 563 gallons/day). Notice the absolute lack of compassion or interest for what’s been/being done to our family. Unfortunately this is typical here and none of the city council members seem interested in the matter.

Thanks for nothing to: Mayor Bill Bell, Farad Ali, Eugene Brown, Diane Catotti, Howard Clement, Cora Cole McFadden, Mike Woodard and Tom Bonfield.


Mr. Ladensack:

In your email of last Wednesday, you assert a chain of events in which the City discontinued your water despite your having paid your current bill and despite having made payment arrangements for your prior outstanding balance.

The City’s records indicate that at the time of the disconnection, you did not have a payment plan on file. To avoid disconnection, you would have either had a payment plan on file, or you would have had to pay the entire outstanding balance of your account.

Do you wish to dispute the City’s version of events?

Theodore L. Voorhees

Deputy City Manager

City of Durham

101 City Hall Plaza

Durham, NC 27701


City of Medicine

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From: []
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 02:09 PM
To: Voorhees, Ted
Subject: Re: Water Bill

Theodore L. Voorhees

My wife had spoke to someone other than Rosa when she was not available. She had an agreement in place which has since been altered and solidified by talking to Rosa. We also paid $300 a few days earlier as per that original agreement. I also dispute the bill we are paying from last year. There is no way we used 563 gallons a day for a 2-month cycle. My previous meter and/or fittings were bad. Also we were given no warning the water would be shut off. If that is your normal practice it is inconsiderate--a simple phone call could have cleared up the matter. Also, when I called the billing department around noon I was told our water would be back on by 8PM and nobody came at all after waiting all day, Wednesday.

A little consideration--not to mention accuracy, would be nice.


Mr. Ladensack:

Thank you for the clarification.

It is customary to send a reminder letter about past due accounts that precedes disconnection. Did you not receive the reminder letter?

Was the 300 dollars in addition to the 300 paid on Monday, or are we talking about the same 300 dollars paid on October 3rd?

Theodore L. Voorhees
Deputy City Manager
City of Durham

Sent from my Blackberry device


From: []
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 02:39 PM
To: Voorhees, Ted
Subject: Re: Water Bill

Mr. Voorhees,

The $300 was paid on the 3rd and cleared the bank the on the 4th. There was an agreement in place to pay another $200 this week until Rosa Williams worked out a more agreeable arrangement with my wife, last week. And we did not receive any shut-off notice this time nor last year when we were out of town (and had been told to hold payment while Al Nelson was looking into the usage problem).

Otto Ladensack


Thanks for the clarification.

Theodore L. Voorhees
Deputy City Manager
City of Durham


In a message dated 10/11/2011 1:41:24 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I really was trying to understand the specific circumstances around your water service disconnection.

Theodore L. Voorhees
Deputy City Manager - Operations

Maybe you could help me understand how your department could in good conscience say I owe you 708.14 for supposedly using 563 gallons a day based on a meter that gave very different and erratic readings from my current one.

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