Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Watts Tower Art

Here is a public art piece known as the Watts Tower. It has been made by recycling many items into art.

Below is some art from my daughter Emily's class. It was inspired by the Watts Tower. The children used paper mache and various odd items to simulate the art form. This is just one example of project learning at the Central Park School for Children here in Durham, North Carolina. 

Her tower is near the center. Below it is shown by itself after we brought it home.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Letter to Dianne Feinstein

I wrote the following letter to try and gain some clarity about the final draft of the NDAA bill. I will post an answer when I receive one.

Dear Senator Feinstein,

I am writing from North Carolina because I am worried about the NDAA bill. I wrote my own Senators for clarity but didn't get any. I specifically asked if the final draft still allowed for the detainment of American citizens, without charges or representation, indefinitely. Senator Hagan alluded to your refinements and suggested that the government must still operate within normal laws. This could be interpreted a number of ways but when I asked more pointed questions I was sent the same response--I was disappointed to say the least.

Even though you do not represent my state I get the impression you have a real interest in our freedoms and welfare. I do not want to live in a police state and I do not want to worry that a mistake could one day result in the disappearance of myself or a family member.

Can you please sum up the final draft for me and specifically let me know whether we are "still" guaranteed due process? I've already been concerned to see our privacy eroding (NSA monitoring email and phone calls, tracking devices in our cars and phones, cameras everywhere, etc.) and believe our 4th Amendment "guarantees" have been mostly eliminated. I do not believe our governments increasing heavy-handedness has much to do with our welfare anymore.

Please give me a clear picture of where we stand as I am tired of dealing with vague communications from our supposedly transparent government. Thank you for your time and attention.

Have a nice day, Otto Ladensack

PLEASE CALL THE CAPITOL SWITCHBOARD AT: 1-877 851-6437. Connect with office of your senators and representatives and register your disdain regarding this bill. Regardless of the final draft which will be forthcoming they that would consider locking us up with no outside contact, indefinitely, are treasonous.

(Sources: Otto Ladensack, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z1J1gkVOfM; http://hagan.senate.gov/contact/)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cesar Millan Type of Workout

My children were just playing but this looked just like a daily workout Cesar Millan would recommend for an overactive. Our Maggie has the perfect temperment but it was fun to have her run around. I really enjoy the part where Maggie says, "Heck with it," and takes a rest on the ground. She's funny!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Despite Payment, Water Terminated, City Indifferent!


Here is an email correspondence I had with the deputy city manager today regarding the wrongful termination of our water service yesterday. He tries to downplay the city’s incompetence while side-stepping the issue of our ludicrous bills ($708+ for 563 gallons/day). Notice the absolute lack of compassion or interest for what’s been/being done to our family. Unfortunately this is typical here and none of the city council members seem interested in the matter.

Thanks for nothing to: Mayor Bill Bell, Farad Ali, Eugene Brown, Diane Catotti, Howard Clement, Cora Cole McFadden, Mike Woodard and Tom Bonfield.


Mr. Ladensack:

In your email of last Wednesday, you assert a chain of events in which the City discontinued your water despite your having paid your current bill and despite having made payment arrangements for your prior outstanding balance.

The City’s records indicate that at the time of the disconnection, you did not have a payment plan on file. To avoid disconnection, you would have either had a payment plan on file, or you would have had to pay the entire outstanding balance of your account.

Do you wish to dispute the City’s version of events?

Theodore L. Voorhees

Deputy City Manager

City of Durham

101 City Hall Plaza

Durham, NC 27701


City of Medicine

E-mail correspondence to and from this sender may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and can be disclosed to third parties.


From: OTTOJR68@aol.com [mailto:OTTOJR68@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 02:09 PM
To: Voorhees, Ted
Cc: trish8698@aol.com
Subject: Re: Water Bill

Theodore L. Voorhees

My wife had spoke to someone other than Rosa when she was not available. She had an agreement in place which has since been altered and solidified by talking to Rosa. We also paid $300 a few days earlier as per that original agreement. I also dispute the bill we are paying from last year. There is no way we used 563 gallons a day for a 2-month cycle. My previous meter and/or fittings were bad. Also we were given no warning the water would be shut off. If that is your normal practice it is inconsiderate--a simple phone call could have cleared up the matter. Also, when I called the billing department around noon I was told our water would be back on by 8PM and nobody came at all after waiting all day, Wednesday.

A little consideration--not to mention accuracy, would be nice.


Mr. Ladensack:

Thank you for the clarification.

It is customary to send a reminder letter about past due accounts that precedes disconnection. Did you not receive the reminder letter?

Was the 300 dollars in addition to the 300 paid on Monday, or are we talking about the same 300 dollars paid on October 3rd?

Theodore L. Voorhees
Deputy City Manager
City of Durham

Sent from my Blackberry device


From: OTTOJR68@aol.com [mailto:OTTOJR68@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 02:39 PM
To: Voorhees, Ted
Subject: Re: Water Bill

Mr. Voorhees,

The $300 was paid on the 3rd and cleared the bank the on the 4th. There was an agreement in place to pay another $200 this week until Rosa Williams worked out a more agreeable arrangement with my wife, last week. And we did not receive any shut-off notice this time nor last year when we were out of town (and had been told to hold payment while Al Nelson was looking into the usage problem).

Otto Ladensack


Thanks for the clarification.

Theodore L. Voorhees
Deputy City Manager
City of Durham


In a message dated 10/11/2011 1:41:24 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, Theodore.Voorhees@durhamnc.gov writes:

I really was trying to understand the specific circumstances around your water service disconnection.

Theodore L. Voorhees
Deputy City Manager - Operations

Maybe you could help me understand how your department could in good conscience say I owe you 708.14 for supposedly using 563 gallons a day based on a meter that gave very different and erratic readings from my current one.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Being For Rather Than Against.

Being for a cause is a stronger position than being against one.

Our country's administration fights violence with violence. We proport to be against tyranny, claiming to be concerned with bringing freedom to other peoples by bombing their citizens. All this does is spread the hate and promote more violence; violence begets violence.

I think the world would be a much more peaceful and happy place if we were to promote peace rather than fight tyranny. If we worried about our own affairs and were not historically and consistently at conflict with other countries we would not be "in a giant hole," financially speaking.

We could take better care of our own citizens and be a power of example. If other countries saw us transformed, taking care of our disadvantaged, promoting peace through policies that were not designed to force others to comply with our values, furthering our own interests while being reasonably available to help others, then perhaps others would follow suit.

If we were truly a peaceful people we would be happier, wealthier and healthier. It may sound like pie in the sky but I think that if we were for peace, rather than against supposed tyranny, I believe others might see what we had and want that for themselves.

(Source: Otto Ladensack)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Get Money Out of Politics

From my husband's site...

I have been saying what Dylan Ratigan is saying all along. Congress people spend more time raising "campaign" funds than they do pretending to work for us. The excuse is that they can't compete with other campaigns without the funding but this is nonsense. If they enacted an amendment that banned special interest, PAC and lobbyist "contributions" and allotted an equal amount of subsidized money to each candidate then the playing field would be level and fair, and our law makers' only motivation would be to please the majority of the population.

PLEASE pass this along to everyone you know. We cannot turn the tide toward our own best interests unless enough people care.

Sign the petition:


It's quick and vital to our country's wellbeing.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Duke Hospital's Billing Practices are Shameful and Deceitful!

A Piece Anyone in the Raleigh-Durham Should Read

Today we needed to find a new doctor for my daughter. Having dealt with Duke's Hospital practices before, I called ahead to inquire about the cost and coverage of her upcoming appointment.

She needed to go to a doctor's office to determine whether she needed physical therapy. We were recommended to a clinic Duke runs offsite from the main hospital by a physician at Durham Pediatrics. People like us go to these appointments, which are just the same as visiting any doctor's office, pay our co-pay, and think we are done with the matter. Not so!
We found that a visit to their offsite clinics, like the one's inside the hospital, are billed like an outpatient hospital procedure. Furthermore, nobody tells you this up front. We've had the experience where you go there, pay the co-pay and think you're done--only to be billed for hundreds of dollars later on. This practice is rotten. they offer services that are the same as any doctor's office and then surprise you with a bill, later, for non-existent hospital care.
In my husband's case he was once recommended for an MRI by a Dr. Jellesoff (another Duke clinic doctor). We paid for the MRI with our insurance plus the copay and later (years later) found out we still owed $400+ dollars to another doctor that looked at the image for a minute and said his adrenal glands had no visible tumors--we were never told this uncovered fee would be forthcoming, the diagnosis not "visible" was tentative at best, and his personal physician, a great guy, later informed him that an MRI is practically useless for what it was indicated for.
Is Duke Hospital in financial trouble or are they just that greedy and underhanded? If all you need is a doctor's office visit I would stay away from that place and their associated facilities.

Patricia Ladensack